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 Sanitas becomes first health insurer in Switzerland to welcome visitors inside the metaverse (07.09.2023)
Sanitas becomes first health insurer in Switzerland to welcome visitors inside the metaverse


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Health insurer Sanitas is launching an interactive Experience Space in the metaverse that enables visitors to experience the healthcare partner and learn about its products and services in a virtual realm.

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Sanitas becomes first health insurer in Switzerland to welcome visitors inside the metaverse

Health insurer Sanitas is launching an interactive Experience Space in the metaverse that enables visitors to experience the healthcare partner and learn about its products and services in a virtual realm.

With its thrilling presence in the metaverse, Sanitas has become the first health insurer in Switzerland to
open its doors to interested users and allow them to experience the company and its products and
services interactively. Topics that affect us all ? health insurance, healthcare and well-being ? will be
brought into focus, with the emphasis on ensuring a playful, easy-to-understand approach.

The aim is to provide a tangible experience. Visitors will learn more about the different areas of activity,
innovative services and products of Sanitas. Alva, the digital assistant who?s accompanied Sanitas
users for many years, will welcome interested visitors into the metaverse and guide them around. On
the ground floor, for example, an animated tree illustrates how much paper is saved annually through
digital communication in the Sanitas Portal. Brainpower is called for in the area of nutrition, where the
right foods have to be assigned to an oversized Swiss food pyramid. On the upper floor, meanwhile,
avatars demonstrate easy-to-follow fitness exercises. In the outdoor meditation area, users can leave
everyday stresses behind and experience pure relaxation.

The Experience Space was conceived together with Kuble, one of Switzerland?s leading digital,
metaverse and web3 agencies, and given an innovative and futuristic design using spatial.io.
Importance was placed on creating a consistent brand experience and expressing harmony with nature.

The Sanitas metaverse is open to all and available to enter now using VR glasses, desktop computer or
mobile app. Currently, the Experience Space serves as a virtual home base for users to familiarise
themselves with virtual reality and its underlying technology. In future, however, it will be possible to
hold events or consultations in the Sanitas metaverse.

?We?re very happy about our successful presence in the metaverse and, of course, we hope visitors are
as happy with it as we are. The Experience Space proves once again that we, as an innovative
healthcare partner, are boldly pioneering new solutions for our customers,? says Sanitas CEO Dr
Andreas Schönenberger.

Immerse yourself in the Sanitas Experience Space in the metaverse by clicking on the following link:


About Sanitas

Sanitas (www.sanitas.com) runs both a basic insurance (Sanitas Grundversicherungen AG) and 
supplementary insurance business (Sanitas Privatversicherungen AG). With over 800,000 customers 
and a premium revenue of over CHF 3 billion, Sanitas is one of the biggest health insurers in 


Christian Kuhn
Media spokesperson
Tel. 044 298 62 78
Mobile 076 381 27 87

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Ueber Sanitas:
Die Sanitas Krankenversicherung gehört mit über 800'000 zufriedenen Kundinnen und 
Kunden zu den grössten Krankenkassen der Schweiz. Wir bieten Ihnen individuelle 
Krankenversicherungslösungen in der obligatorischen Grundversicherung und in den 

Die Sanitas Gruppe ist eine der führenden Krankenversicherungen der Schweiz. Die 
Sanitas Krankenversicherung (Stiftung) wurde 1958 gegründet mit dem Zweck, die 
wirtschaftlichen Folgen von Krankheit, Unfall, Mutterschaft, Invalidität und Tod zu 

Heute besteht die Sanitas Gruppe aus der Sanitas Krankenversicherung (Stiftung), der 
Sanitas Beteiligungen AG (Holding) und drei operativ tätigen Aktiengesellschaften. Von 
diesen betreibt eine das Krankengrundversicherungsgeschäft nach KVG (Sanitas 
Grundversicherungen AG,), und eine das Krankenzusatzversicherungsgeschäft nach 
VVG (Sanitas Privatversicherungen AG). Die dritte Gesellschaft, die Sanitas 
Management AG, ist die Dienstleistungsgesellschaft der Sanitas Gruppe. Die 
gruppenübergreifenden Dienstleistungen der anderen Gesellschaften sind auf sie 


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Anzahl Zeichen: 4299

Information près Sanitas
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>>> Informationen über 'Sanitas becomes first health insurer in Switzerland to welcome visitors inside the metaverse' in Google

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